- This is a highly engraved .22 Safari Grade Rifle. The gun is a French Training Rifle resurrected and Custom Built by John Bolliger, Riflemaker from Pocatello, Idaho.
- This H&H Double Rilfe was commissioned and sent to me by Holland & Holland (1998). The client requsted the African theme and animals.
- The Gambler (2015) was a private commission. As much as any other enrgavng of my career, this little Colt Sheriff Model .45 has been published again and again in various magazines and books. It won the "Howard Dove Award" at the Colt Collectors Association Show in Reno, Nevada in 2006.
Phone: 812.454.0271 || Email: mw.dubber@gmail.com
Michael is a FEGA Master Engraver and a Colt Master Engraver. He is past President of the Firearms Engravers Guild of America and has worked and studied with Winston Churchill, Ron Smith, Phil Grifnee and Alain Lovenberg. He received the FEGA James B. Meek Award in 1998 for the "Lifetime Contributions to the Art of Engraving". Michael has created firearms or jewelry engraving for such notable individuals as Norman Schwartzkopf, Juan Carlos King of Spain, Pope John Paul II and Bo Derek and he has engraved industry guns for Colt, Holland and Holland and Purdey. He also created the "Show Guns" for the Colt Collectors Association in 2003 and 2006. He has a Masters Degree in Fine Arts and has taught engraving classes at Trinidad State Jr. College in Trinidad, Colorado and at Glendo Corporation in Emporia, Kansas.
My entry, "The Trail of Tears Colt" Show won both the "Best Weapon, 1946 to Present Award," and the "Howard Dove Award for Best Engraved Hangun" at the October, 2015 Colt Collectors Association Show in Frisco, Texas. Howard Dove was one of the Colt Custom Shop's most beloved Engravers until his death in 1985. I have captured the Howard Dove six times. This was the third time in CCA history that one entry won both awards. I won both in 2010 at the Denver Show with "The Greatest Generation" and Leonard Francolini won in 2014 with "East Meets West."